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San Bernardino Community College District


Last modified at 8/22/2024 9:28 a.m.

UCCAP Informal Bidding

The District has adopted Uniform Construction Cost Accounting Procedures under Public Contract Code §22000 et seq (“UCCAP”).  As a result, the District is authorized to engage in an Informal Bidding process for award of construction contracts valued at $200,000 or less.   Under Informal Bidding procedures, potential bidders must complete and submit a Qualifications Application, and be deemed by the District to be a “Qualified Bidder” based upon the information provided in the application.  If selected for this pool of contractors, your firm's name will be added to the District's qualified contractors list and may be considered for certain construction jobs under $200,000 that are informally bid.   Please note that in order to participate in any UCCAP bid, a contractor must, at the time of the bid:

  • Have a current, valid California contractor license in the trade(s) for which the company is qualified, under the name shown in the UCCAP application.
  • Provide a certificate of insurance showing current commercial general liability coverage of at least $1,000,000 per occurrence/$2,000,000 aggregate.
  • Provide a certificate of insurance showing current workers compensation coverage as required by the Labor Code, or be legally self-insured pursuant to Labor Code §3700.  If exempt from this requirement because there are no employees, show evidence of exemption issued by the Contractors State License Board.
  • Provide a letter of bondability from a California-admitted surety stating current bonding rate and available bonding capacity.
  • Be eligible to bid or be awarded a public works contract, or perform as a subcontractor on a public works contract, pursuant to Labor Code §1777.7.

UCCAP Registration Process for Vendors

Step by Step Registration Guide

Applicants for UCCAP registration should submit their completed application via

In accordance with Public Contract Code §22034, if the District identifies a project appropriate for Informal Bidding, it will notify all Qualified Bidders in the applicable trade categories of the availability of the project for bidding.  The District will provide a general description of the project and the required construction services, instructions on how to obtain additional information regarding the project, and the time and place for submission of bid proposals.  These notices will be mailed at least ten days prior to the latest date for submission of bid proposals.  Award of contracts for informally bid projects will be made by District staff authorized by the District’s Board of Trustees to take such action.

A Note About Senate Bill 854

In accordance with Senate Bill 854, which became law June 20, 2014, the District will only use registered contractors and subcontractors for public works projects awarded on or after April 1, 2015. All contractors should make sure that they are in compliance.  See the Department of Industrial Relations website ( for more information.